Saturday, October 23, 2010

Blessings and Namaste

We are approaching a period of great strength and change for all the world's species. We are a revolution, turning even now.

The last great ice age came with the same uprising of conscious, the same welling of Spirit.
Ice is merely frozen water. Frozen water is merely consciousness, crystallized. Water is how our physical manifestations become, are, and remain eternal.

The veil is lifting, and we will return to the Earth.

The previous age was one of blindness, and we are moving again into the light. I see infinite realities, some now, some then, some that will come to pass. The intrinsic truth is the balance, the light and the dark together and not as separate entities or ideas.

Fear and illusion were, are, and will be love and light. The trick is living them all at once. Soon, it won't take any effort at all.

When I try to manifest words for my ideas, I am only ever able to come up with a few that represent the essence of each idea. I realize now that the point is not in the words, but in the not-words. Not the feelings, but the experienced-truths. These truths manifest themselves as our experience of reality.

With respect to words, I find more success in meditation when I focus on only one word at a time (or essentially, just the idea of that word). Meditation is an exploration, and we are in the process of finding our Utopia Within.

We are moving from thought into truth. Opinions are merely suppositions, and we no longer have any use for supposition.

When I describe my process of thinking or how I "know" what I know, I attribute it to a feeling. That is only the beginning. Listening to these "feelings" will lead us to truth, essentially to knowing without learning. When we live in homeostasis, we are living truth.

We do not need education or medicine if we are connected on a vibration higher than the physical.

As you know, the first step is returning to Earth.

We are returning to who we are, and who we are is pure nature.

The rains will come December 24.


  1. How do I just go about my day when I feel the photons in the air, calling me to action I can't quite grasp?

    What is laundry? What is folding? What is making lunch?

    Do we do these things because we know we have to in our lives and society?

    Do we do them because they give us pleasure?

    I find little meaning in any of it, but it is manifesting a positive impact. With chores, I learn patience. With hard work, I learn discipline.

  2. Beautiful... wow Annalisa... you're right, words cannot describe what it is to live on a higher plane... one must experience it for themselves... "We do not need education or medicine if we are connected on a vibration higher than the physical." This totally resonates with me... Wonderful and thought provoking. Or truth provoking I should say... Thank you and namaste!!

  3. "How do I just go about my day when I feel the photons in the air, calling me to action I can't quite grasp?" ~ Annalisa this is something I am starting to experience now too. It started a few weeks ago in the shower and now I see them all the time. And I know and understand the feeling it brings... what does it all mean?? It's so powerful and beautiful and I feel so blessed to see the veil lifting with my naked eye...

  4. Beautiful and amazing and true! Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing. Vibrational living is what I call it in my life. I literally feel my vibrations now, and feel myself moving to the higher plane.

    Love to all.
