Sunday, October 24, 2010

I am he as you are he

For my program at TESC, The Authentic Self, I was supposed to write my autobiography. After reading it, AnnaLisa suggested that I post excerpts of it to the blog. I have been wanting to write something since it started, but it usually comes down to writing a blog or doing my homework. I am thankful I was assigned something that I hope can be helpful here.


We're not here because we're free; we're here because we're not free. There's no escaping reason, no denying purpose, because as we both know, without purpose, we would not exist. (Agent Smith, The Matrix Reloaded. 2003.)

Because I spent so long doing what acting how other people (parents, peers) wanted me to, the development of my individuality was stunted for most of my life. Even parts of my life as simple as my music tastes were nothing more than a mimicry of what I was seeing around me. 

More complicated realizations, like that of sexuality, were wholly life consuming processes that hit me in one jaw-dropping instant. I am the only non-heterosexual in my family, and the fact that I grew up believing queer people were literally going to burn in the fiery pits of hell, didn't make my realization any easier. I don't know if the realization of my sexuality is what started my awareness or if my awareness started the realizations. 

What I do know is that at some point I finally started listening to my body and listening to my thoughts. My thoughts, I realized, are not put into my head from someone externally whispering them into my ear, but are instead a culmination of my experiences mixed with current circumstance. The moment I reached that conclusion, I guess I realized I had some sort of individual identity. I would classify that as a break through moment. It was a realization that changed my life forever.

When asked the question: What do I want? I find it hard to answer anything except that I want to be joyful across all circumstances. I want to be fully aware of what I am learning from both each new experience and the repetitive old ones. I want to be happy in any and all situations I may find myself in.

I've never really been seriously concerned with what my job or career will be. I mean, I just want one that will make me happy. I want to do something every day that is important to me and that I enjoy.

I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together. (I Am the Walrus, The Beatles. 1963.)

Everything about unity consciousness makes sense to me. My level of awareness in this particular experience (which I call my life) is positively correlated with how often I choose to be aware with only the purpose of being aware.

So many things, events, beliefs, situations, circumstances happen solely because of my intentions, whether joyful or destructive. Some of my strongest intentions may have even gone most of my life without any sort of recognition or verbalization. But, my awareness is increasing from basically nothing, autopilot, being plugged in, inactivity, ect., to a level full of intention and choice.

I am in control of my own life. I am the only person in charge of creating my own happiness. No one is going to do it for me. 

Having lived most of my life fulfilling the expectations others have set forth for me, the previous statements are mind blowing realizations; they are ones I hope to build my life upon.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Blessings and Namaste

We are approaching a period of great strength and change for all the world's species. We are a revolution, turning even now.

The last great ice age came with the same uprising of conscious, the same welling of Spirit.
Ice is merely frozen water. Frozen water is merely consciousness, crystallized. Water is how our physical manifestations become, are, and remain eternal.

The veil is lifting, and we will return to the Earth.

The previous age was one of blindness, and we are moving again into the light. I see infinite realities, some now, some then, some that will come to pass. The intrinsic truth is the balance, the light and the dark together and not as separate entities or ideas.

Fear and illusion were, are, and will be love and light. The trick is living them all at once. Soon, it won't take any effort at all.

When I try to manifest words for my ideas, I am only ever able to come up with a few that represent the essence of each idea. I realize now that the point is not in the words, but in the not-words. Not the feelings, but the experienced-truths. These truths manifest themselves as our experience of reality.

With respect to words, I find more success in meditation when I focus on only one word at a time (or essentially, just the idea of that word). Meditation is an exploration, and we are in the process of finding our Utopia Within.

We are moving from thought into truth. Opinions are merely suppositions, and we no longer have any use for supposition.

When I describe my process of thinking or how I "know" what I know, I attribute it to a feeling. That is only the beginning. Listening to these "feelings" will lead us to truth, essentially to knowing without learning. When we live in homeostasis, we are living truth.

We do not need education or medicine if we are connected on a vibration higher than the physical.

As you know, the first step is returning to Earth.

We are returning to who we are, and who we are is pure nature.

The rains will come December 24.

Just Thought I Would Share...

Akashic Records Reading 10/23/10

Your purpose on Earth is to be a beacon of light in a dark, foggy ocean. To bring awareness to those living in blind faith. How can I start living my purpose now? The time is fast approaching. You are being called for a higher purpose; for the common good. The time is now. Reckless Abandon. Follow your heart. Rise above the muck. Others will follow you. Trail Blazer ~ Lighting the path for others.

Is there an ascension taking place? Yes. Are we moving into higher dimensions? Heaven on Earth. Global consciousness is among us. The Earth is being reborn. Humanity is safe. The awakening has already started.

What can I do to move to the next level in my life? Wait ~ you don't have to "do" anything. Something is going to happen that will implement the change. Continue to live in Love and Light. The change is SOON. Blessings and Namaste.

Photos taken by the Hubble Space Telescope.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Today, I am thinking


More specifically, drinking water.

Does wholly unpolluted drinking water exist anywhere on this planet?

Modern filtration adds as much as it may (or may not) remove; just read the box of a Brita filter, which is only necessary in our kitchens to remove contaminants not removed by the accepted reclamation practices of first-world sewage systems.

How do we get clean water? What am I supposed to do to make the sludge that comes out of the tap drinkable?

Give it back to the Earth, and it will be renewed: use a well system. Maybe some readers are unfamiliar with the experience of drinking what comes out of Zach's well water-fed faucet in Winlock, but there is really nothing I can write to accurately describe it. Drinking this water is the most similar to drinking from Mount Roraima's waterfall I have ever tasted, and the dirt involved is the key.

This quality is something we will definitely not find it in any municipal water system, or in the cells of irrigation-tube grown and poison-laced farmed foods.

One major industry on the capitalist forefront today is Big Food. Conglomeration first began in the grocery store, and the first step to ending the monopoly of our bodies by outside forces will be to pull up a chair at the family table and take an honest look at what's on our plates and in the water we drink, not to mention the air we breathe.

I came to these conclusions today while meditating in the grass. Andrew and Jo'Elen were a little further off; I felt their connection to me, felt our spirits grounded in the renewing energy of the Earth. I felt the cycle of life and especially of water, deep within, easing the revolution of our conscious sphere.

I am still making my conclusions.

2010 UFO Sightings: New York City, China and Now El Paso Texas See Same UFO lights?

2010 UFO Sightings: New York City, China and Now El Paso Texas See Same UFO lights?

Coincidence? What do you think is going on here? Please share your thoughts!

The picture on the left is the NYC UFOs and the picture on the right is the El Paso UFOs sighted this weekend. The "powers that be" claim the objects in the left picture are balloons and that the objects in the right picture are Army skydivers. Read the article (link above) and share your thoughts. There is also a video you can watch as well.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Truth Is Out There

There are lots of different versions of what may or may not have been seen yesterday in NYC. You might have read that the objects were simply balloons. But this is not an isolated case. Go to google and click on "news" in the upper left corner. Then type in "UFOs" for your search criteria. You won't believe what else you'll find. There were also recent UFO sightings in China and Mongolia. An airport was shut down.

Here are some eye witness accounts of what people saw yesterday in Manhattan:

Pete Bryant, 32, said, "I saw five or six lights shining in the sky. There was no way that thing was a balloon.

"It looked like a jellyfish made of lights that just hovered in the sky like it wanted to be seen," he said. "I was half expecting the aliens to beam down and introduce themselves."

And Richard Molina, 42, compared what he saw to the "creatures from 'Predator.' It freaked me out. It was a real Superman moment, too," he said. "Everyone looked up in the sky. It really was an event."

Last week the Washington Post's John Kelly headed to a news conference where U.S. Air Force officers announced that "UFOs have been systematically hovering over our country's nuclear missiles and occasionally disabling them."
What we've been reading about in metaphysical books is REAL! 2012 is REAL! ET's are REAL! Let's spread the message so people start WAKING UP!

Please visit this link to read the New York Post article:
And here's the link to the Washington Post blog:

UFO in NYC: Aliens or balloons in New York sky?

"You don't have to get it perfect, you just have to get it going."

"You don't have to get it perfect, you just have to get it going. Babies don't walk the first time they try, but eventually they get it right." ~ Jack Canfield

So...I have been waiting to write my first post until I had a significant amount of time on my sit down and type out my story. Several days have passed, and still I haven't done it. And then I read this quote today. And I realized my post doesn't have to be perfect - it just needs to be done! And so here I am...

For me, spiritual awakening began I think several years back when The Secret came out. Rachel and I watched it and it resonated with us. At the time, as most of you know, we owned an upscale real estate company and were putting lots of time and energy into it to get it off the ground. We decided to use the principles from The Secret to manifest our success. During that time I also got tuned into Eckhart Tolle and A New Earth, which was very significant to me.

Throughout 2007-2009, as we all know, the real estate market crashed and burned, and to summarize, two years later, we sunk into a financial hole so deep, we could not get out, and closed the business after losing thousands and thousands of dollars.

I won't go into detail about the depression, the despair, etc. that I fell into. However, one January day in 2009, I met someone who out of the blue wanted to do a reading on me. She said she had seen my angels surrounding me, and God was telling her she needed to talk with me. That was the real beginning for me. I spent two hours with her at a friend's house (she was my friend's friend) and walked away feeling like I was floating on clouds. She told me number one - all the financial mess that was we were in would all turn out okay. (Of course she had no prior knowledge of this situation.) She said I needed to take care of myself, and that many of my spiritual guides and angels were looking over me; I was surrounded by a host of them that loved me and were with me. I was not alone. And then she told me something very significant was going to happen to me in the spring, and that it would greatly effect me and my family. Hmmm...wonder what that was about.

From that day on, I felt like I was literally coming alive again. Rachel kept me connected with podcasts and introduced me to some of my favorite teachers through that tool. We shared books with each other, and then when she moved to Seattle in February, 2009, she sought out a church near her and wanted me and Zach to attend with her when we were up there helping her move. We did, and we all walked away with a sense of "wow, that was amazing!" I again felt like I had been lifted to another level of life.

But it was April 23, 2009 that really catapulted me into a spiritual awakening. Just like my friend had told me, that spring indeed was very significant in my life. My best and dearest friend and sister, Barb, was murdered. She was very much alive one day and an integral part of my life, and the next day she was gone. Barb and I had spoken the day prior to her transition, and we had shared on such a deep and personal level and she had told me she was ready to move on to the next phase of her life. Little did we know at that time it would be her earthly departure. I felt like my life had been taken away too. At the same time, I felt like I was wrapped in a cocoon of love and presence and peace like I had never felt before. I had my first vision - of a cliff, and I was on the precipice and invited to jump into the arms of Spirit - and I did. And from that day on, my life really has never been the same.

Now I awake each day to my prayer, "Use me for the highest and best." I listen. I am present. I remember to breathe. I know all is well. I am never alone. And I know love is the answer to everything. I keep hearing that over and over. Love is the answer. I choose to live my life that way. I choose to see spirit in every person I meet. I choose to love.

That is how it began for me. I'm excited to hear how it began for you.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The pain you carry is the love you withhold

I first heard this profound statement in 1998 by Alex Collier. I was listening to Art Bell interviewing him on Coast to Coast AM...
Change begins by first changing you mind. And that's when it happened to me, 1998. I realized it's MY mind. I can think what I want and choose... And the shackles of the illusion started to fall. For me anyway. Come to your own conclusions about Alex Collier, but the message is: LOVE! The way I see it, we have no other option.

Why The Wrecking Ball

Why am I "The Wrecking Ball"?
There was a point not to long ago, where I was in a place of frustration with what is. I came to a place where I knew what I was, but the world is what it is. And it clashed. This was the case of my life, so to speak. Everything seems ascue, it's not right, this is not the way it should be, why are we living an existence such as this, what's viewed as "paranormal" does not seem bizaar to me at all, what I see as paranormal is the way we treat each other. Paranormal took on the sense of not ghosts, or spirits, or even "bigfoot", but how we treat each other as humans. The lack of love. How we can let the homeless go homeless. How we can let the starving continue starving. How can we de-humanize humans and continue on with everday life, as if everything is hunky dory... THAT to me IS the "paranormal"!
Questions ensued, journeys began, knowledge was sought.
And there was one day that is burned into my mind...
I was at a book store, browsing the aisles of a book store with my niece, and I was called to look upon a book. It was "The End of Your World" by Adyashanti.
I picked it up and flipped it over to the back cover. It read:

"Make no mistake about it-
enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth. It's the seeing through the facade of pretense. It's the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true."


We are living in an illusion. You are not free. We're told we are, and to tell someone they are not causes issues, to say the least, but, you are not free. Ideology, culture, everything that is presented to you as truth, our lifestyle, is an illusion. All of this has built a wall around what we truly are...
I am The Wrecking Ball to MY walls. So that I can get to the core of who I am, be free, and let who I TRULY am shine BRIGHTLY.
I am The Wrecking Ball to the illusion.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Accessing the Akashic Records ~ Pathway Prayer Process & First Reading

Hi Everyone,

I have been reading a book called "How to Read the Akashic Records: Accessing the Archive of the Soul and Its Journey" by Linda Howe. I got it from the library and I HIGHLY recommend it. Anyway, the author uses a method of accessing the Akashic Records called the Pathway Prayer Process. At the end of this blog post, I will type the prayer for your use.

First let me start off by making sure we are all aware of what the Akashic Records are. The author describes them as, "a dimension of consciousness that contains a vibrational record of every soul and its journey. This vibrational body exists everywhere in its entirety and is completely available at all times and in all places. As such, the Records are an experiential body of knowledge that contais everything that every soul has ever thought, said, and done over the course of its existence, as well as all its future possibilities".

The four areas I wanted clarity and guidance on in my reading today were:

~ New Direction / Next Step (for me / my siblings / my mom / our life partners ~ the Soul Tribe)
~ Soul Relationships (Karmic ties, past lives, our Soul Tribe's journey)
~ 2012 and How it Affects Humanity and the Planet
~ Existence / Purpose of Angels (what I think of as "angels")

I conducted the reading (after praying the Pathway Prayer) by doing automatic writing (thus leaving me with meticulous notes). Here is the result of those notes:

New Direction / Next Step (for me / my siblings / my mom / our life partners ~ the Soul Tribe):

Your family is in a state of transition. There are wonderful things to come. Be open to what is coming. It will stretch you beyond what you believe you are capable of doing or able to handle. Just remember you are loved and you are never alone. There is so much growth occurring and much more to come. Put your "minds" aside and plug into the Source of Oneness and Love. All else will fall into alignment. Be in a constant state of peace. Do not enter into chaos. Turn to your Source when it seems like chaos is unfolding. The journey will be made clear. How can we be catalysts? By love - by choosing Oneness over separation.

Soul Relationships (Karmic ties, past lives, our Soul Tribe's journey):

Your Soul Tribe has been through much harder times than these -- suffering / hardships -- (I had a vision of us on the Oregon Trail). You've experienced major trials and tribulations as a group -- this experience is a "cake walk". Your Soul Tribe has evolved and learned to manifest an easier incarnation. You are bonded together. This incarnation is your time to break the ties of bondage and experience your full potential -- you are here to do great things. Spirit can and WILL work through you if you step aside. Start a blog; share this reading with all of them. Your souls are on a journey together that has lasted thousands of lives. This incarnation is the pinnacle of that journey.

2012 and How it Affects Humanity and the Planet:

There is a great uprising of souls, rebelling agaist the shadow on this planet. A revolution. Breaking the chains of bondage; people are like prisoners in chains (I had a vision of a "chain gang"). When they look up to the sky the chains break and they are set free -- the powers that be will lose all their power.(The word "uprising" was emphasized a lot during this part of the reading). This is a great time for humanity. A celebration. The awakening is something that has been long looked forward to by galactic beings. Earth will be joining the Universal Gateway. You will be members of a force of beings -- bigger than the "Universe" -- more expansive -- an age of Golden Oneness, Peace, Love, Galactic Union -- Unity. A joining with your space brothers and sisters. This is Earth's time. Like a birthday or new birth -- a Rebirth.

Existence / Purpose of Angels (what I think of as "angels"):

Angels are beings of light -- light entities. They are all around -- within the spectrum of light. Humans can't see the full spectrum with the naked eye. Angels can influence physical reality but only subtly -- not impact it -- subtle influences on humans who can make a much bigger impact. Prayers are heard and answered. Think of angels as light workers. They are of Oneness - Love Consciousness.

Is there anything in closing, that you would like me to know?
Love is all around you, even in the shadows. Everything is light, just different shades.

So, that was my reading! Please comment below and let me know what you think!!! Also, here is the Pathway Prayer -- so you can all use this as a tool if you want to. I think if we all start "plugging into the Source" like the reading suggests, as a group we will really break through to the next level of awareness and expand our consciousness. Let's share these experiences as MUCH as possible. Use this blog as a tool! I'm going to add it to my "favorites" and check it everyday. I love you all so much. This journey is really, truly beautiful.

Here is the Pathway Prayer Process:

First of all, prepare your "area", i.e. light a candle, burn incense, smudge, whatever you do when its time to "get spiritual", clear yourself, do a meditation to lift your consciousness, and be in a situation where you will NOT be interrupted. You also want to ground yourself after the reading by drinking water, eating something, taking a shower, or doing something physical (you could also do a grounding meditation).

Opening Prayer:

Say this whole part aloud:
And so we do acknowledge the Forces of Light,
Asking for guidance, direction, and courage to know the Truth
as it is revealed for our highest good and the highest good of
everyone connected to us.

Oh Holy Spirit of God,
Protect me from all forms of self-centeredness,
and direct my attention to the work at hand.

Help me to know myself in the Light of the Akashic Records,
To see myself through the eyes of the Lords of the Records,
And enable me to share the wisdom and compassion that the
Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones of me have for me.

Read this part silently to yourself:
Help me to know (your current full legal name) in the Light of the
   Akashic Records,
To see (your current full legal name) through the eyes of the Lords of
   the Records,
And enable me to share the wisdom and compassion that the
   Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones of (your current full legal
   name) have for (him or her).
Help me to know (your current full legal name) in the Light of the
   Akashic Records,
To see (your current full legal name) through the eyes of the Lords of
   the Records,
And enable me to share the wisdom and compassion that the
   Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones of (your current full legal name)
   have for (him or her).

Announce the opening of the Records by saying this part aloud:
The records are now open.

Closing Prayer:

Say this part aloud:
I would like to thank the Masters, Teachers, and, and Loved Ones
   for their love and compassion.
I would like to thank the Lords of the Akashic Records for
   their point of view.
And I would like to thank the Holy Spirit of Light for all
   knowledge and healing.

The Records are now closed. Amen.
The Records are now closed. Amen.
The Records are now closed. Amen.


Here I'm going to type the author's explaination of what happens to you when you access the records:

"As you speak the Opening Prayer, the energetic vibrations from the sounds of its specific words and phrases construct a bridge of Light that allows you to safely shift from your ordinary human consciousness into the Divine universal consciousness. Then later, as you speak the Closing Prayer, your consciousness shifts back until you are "your old self" again.

In the Pathway Prayer, your finite being (the person you are in this lifetime) and your infinite being (your eternal soul) are calling forth and aligning with the higher realms of Light. In so doing, you are establishing a connection to the Akashic Records through a vertical pillar of Light. This connection begins about eighteen inches above your crown, at your eighth chakra. This chakra, which is also known as the soul chakra, is the point of interface between the soul plane and the physical plane. As the Light passes through your eighth chakra and descends to your seventh, it starts to become denser and gather form. By the time the Light reaches your seventh chakra, its vibration is dense enough that you are able to discern it as the unique vibrational Record of your individual soul.

As you read the prayer, you are being moved into an expanded state of consciousness. This state is anchored in the physical dimension yet can register the more subtle impressions and vibrations of the dimension of the Akashic Records. Also occurring simultaneously:

  • The vibration of your current legal name calls up the Records of your soul. Your Records are then brought forward by the Lords of the Records and are given to your Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones. They, in turn, "download" the specific information that you will need for this particular reading.
  • Energy from the Heart of the Akashic Records moves down through your crown and registers its vibration deep behind your heart center. Your heart center is your "receptor site" for the information you'll receive from the Records. When this energetic anchoring is complete, the shift in your consciousness will also be complete.
When you use the word him or her instead of me you are asking for information about the person you are in this lifetime as well as any and all identities that your soul has had throughout its existence. So for the duration of the reading, there's a slight distinction between your finite being as the reader/observer and the infinite soul whose Records are being read."


Okay guys let's all keep each other informed of the amazing things that we see/hear/intuit from this! I love you all can't wait for feedback!

Kisses and Hugs and much, much LOVE!


My Experiences Lately ~ First Blog Post

This was an email I wrote last week (Oct 5) to mom and Zach. It will be a great way to start the blog and update everyone so we're all on the same page. This is the type of stuff I hope everyone shares on this blog. I love our family so much and can't wait to share in WHAT IS TO COME!!!

Here is the email:
I hope I can remember them all ~

Well for starters, I have been asking to see physical manifestations, that the veil would be lifted for me. I've been talking to angels and spirit a lot... really praying to stay in a frequency of love.

Then Crystl came over for dinner Friday night (September 24). We did two wine ceremonies ~ the first of which, I envisioned "freedom" from the constraints of my job and needing to earn a "paycheck" ~ the actual vision was a blue sky in nature with a bird flying ~ this was motivated by my desire to see our family succeed in our business / self-sustainability endeavours, in a cohousing community, and in being spiritual catalysts for the global awakening. The second wine ceremony I envisioned myself being able to "see" things beyond the 3rd dimension. If you have never done a wine ceremony, we should do one soon. It's a wonderful feeling ~ declaring your desire to spirit and "letting it go" ~ releasing it to the universe (in a ritual).

Then, Sunday (two days later), I was taking a shower, feeling close to spirit, talking to the angels, like I've been doing a lot lately in the shower, and I literally saw another dimension ~ I don't know how to explain it. There was a layer of vision laid over my regular vision. Like in a 3D movie you can still see the theatre around you, but the 3D holograms are there too... it's a layering effect, only this was much, much more beyond that. I kept blinking because at first I didn't know what was going on, it looked like there were dust particles floating all around me. When the blinking didn't make the "dust particles" go away, I realized I was being allowed to see beyond the 3rd dimension. I wasn't wearing contact lenses or glasses... so I wonder if those things inhibit seeing beyond the 3rd dimension?? I don't know, just a thought. Anyway, Zach thinks I was seeing the photon band. He said he sees it too, and so does Annalisa.

The next experiences that really stand out in my memory were this past weekend when we were camping. (I have daily synronicities/realizations but they happen so frequently now I can't even keep track!)

First, while on our hike, I was enthralled by the natural realm all around me. I had a total feeling of oneness with the things around me... and a consciousness of the ecosystems within ecosystems, the divine life force, the sacred geometry... I can't even explain it, it was such a beautiful experience. When we got deeper into the forest I felt this even more.

At our campsite, after we had settled in and night fell, we all stayed up pretty late hanging out and talking. I have to preface this part by saying that I was drinking wine and we smoked Zach's herb "freedom buds" - a legal "herbal incense". While I stared at the campfire, I experienced a shifted perception - an altered reality that was beyond the dimension of time, and definitely beyond the 3rd dimension. I saw Gracie and Asher playing near the tent, and I saw that their energy fields (or souls?) were literally like 8 or 10 feet tall... the same height as the adults. My consciousness was aware that as people in the virtual reality of the 3rd dimension, we usually view children as smaller than grown ups (well duh!), but they AREN'T in the spiritual realm -- we're all equals on a soul level. Their energy fields are the same size as those of adults -- that was really amazing to see. I realized (or remembered?) that the role of parents is to help their children re-acclimate to the physical dimension.  But they're still very much in the spiritual dimensions... that's probably why parents become so impatient with their children at times... they just aren't acclimated again yet to this virtual reality... they are still partially in the REAL reality. It's amazing and beautiful to see. They are SOOOOOO Precious, so innocent, so beautiful and such gifts to this earth...

During this experience, the dimension of time slowed down... so that I (as the observer) was observing my ego participating in reality and I could feel the distinguishable difference... I identified with the I AM and the ego... just in different ways. Almost like I could move back and forth between the two. I also was able to perceive what we call "life" as total and utter illusion... but something we experience time and time again in totally different cycles, or rebirths. We are eternal. The structures of society are false -- they are collective projections, they are not real. It is just like the Matrix. I know this is stuff we already "know"... but to perceive it makes it so real.

During this experience Guillermo said he is in denial of his intuitive gifts, which are getting stronger and stronger, and that he's in denial of his soul right now... pretty amazing stuff, yet he says he doesn't remember saying any of it (he was drinking whiskey at the time too).

On the drive back to Seattle on Sunday (Guillermo and Asher were both asleep and I was driving), I saw something amazing -- I still don't know what it was exactly-- a cloud-like formation that was in the shape of a square and glowed with every color of the rainbow. Light shown through the object, like from behind it.... like it was a portal to heaven or something. It reminded me of pictures I've seen of the northern lights ... but it was literally a square-shaped rainbow (it had NOT been raining) in broad daylight. I think I'm going to try painting it with water colors. I don't know if other drivers noticed it or not but it was beautiful, and it was on my left at first, then my right. I was able to see it for quite some time (10 miles maybe?)  I felt like it was a gift for me. A sign -- funny, now that I'm thinking about it, I HAVE been asking for signs lately. :)

Well, that's all I can think of for now... you should email me back some of your recent experiences too... and maybe we should make it a tradition so that all this amazing stuff is documented...

I love you!! I'm excited for all that is to come. Let's keep the "thank you" mantra going this week... it's REALLY helping me to shift my vibration.

Love, Rachel