By now all of us in the Tribe have listened to (or need to listen to NOW) the George Green Coast to Coast interview. (If not here is the link one more time... stop procrastinating, the time is NOW Zach sent everyone the link 11 days ago.
Well, ever since I listened to the interview over a week ago, I've been praying this
"I am a Human Becoming, Help Me Become." I don't want to explain what it means on here. You know what it means if you listened to the interview.
Anyway, something is shifting in me. I mean, literally, noticably, I'm being initiated into a new awareness that is beyond my imagination, beyond my normal realm of reality or what people would call "the human experience."
Every night this week I've been awakened between the hours of 2:00am and 4:00am with divine insights. I believe I've been plugged into the universal mind, or at least shown a tiny sliver of it that I can take in without being overloaded.
Well, tonight, I was awakened at around 12:30am. It's 1:38am. I have not fallen back asleep. In fact, I actually remember a little of what I was shown tonight... this is a huge accomplishment on its own. I decided to write this blog post before falling back asleep in order to document what I perceived so that I won't forget by morning.
I was shown reality from a much, much more vast and expansive perspective. I was asked to staple packets of paper together and organize them into different stacks. This may have started out as a work dream. :) It was definitely lucid. Well, the packets of paper were not paper at all. They were fragments of time, literally pieces of moments in the physical realm. I was organizing the "moments" into piles that were so organized, so pre-destined, so freaking divine. Very, very small, microscopic fractions of time. Most earthlings have no idea how perfect and divinely ordered everything is. The papers or "fragments of reality" were absolutely perfect. Like if you look at nature, take a leaf for instance. You know that on a scientific examination under a microscope, on a cellular level, this leaf is perfect. Or a snowflake. You can break the physical world down to such small, microscopic pieces and what you find is divinity. Divine consciousness. Well, it is the same with the element of time. There is not a moment in our life, in our soul's lives that is wasted. It is ALL divine.
"I am a Human Becoming, Help Me Become", is being fulfilled by beings that are far more evolved than earthlings, and it's all in divine order and LOVE.
If you want to be initiated into shamanism (I believe this is what is beginning to happen for me), start using this prayer as a tool. I also listen to the shamanic drumming Zach shared on facebook. You can go to this link and literally download the mp3 at no cost, or just stream it. I listen to the shamanic drumming literally all the time now... at work, in the car, when I fall asleep at night. I think this is a powerful aid in what is happening to me. Here's the link:
One other thing I'd like to add to this post. After my lucid dream and divine insights, and the hour I laid in bed trying to interpret what I'd experienced into my human brain, I sat on the couch to write this blog. As soon as I opened Internet Explorer, the homepage to opened up. I literally covered it with my hand so as not to be pulled in to the illusion while The Tribe loaded. This was instinctual... my spirit knew it was not good for me to get distracted with the bogus headlines and illusory world of mass media.
We are BOMBARDED by the media everyday, and guys, guess what? The media is a big part of how they keep us trapped in the illusion. It's literally there to KEEP PEOPLE STUPID. Watch this... someone in the mainstream is trying to notify people of this fact.
Well, I'm off for now.... I hope that the profoundness of what I experienced (or at least a sliver of the profoundness) was interpreted through this vehicle of communication. There will be many, many more insights to share in the days to come. From everyone in The Tribe. The time is at hand.
Love you guys so, so much, with all my being.
Namaste, my sister Rachel. May I suggest a book I feel you would love. My wife and I have been on the spiritual journey for over 30 years. We don't have a T.V. so we consume a vast amount of literature. Standing alone as a comprehensive understanding of the GODSELF is a book by Peter O Erbe entitled " God I Am " from tragic to magic. The book is no longer in print so you will have to get a used copy from Amazon (only about $10). I have read this book over a dozen times and never fail to finish it without tears of love.
ReplyDeleteIf you like David Icke you will love Max Igan, check out some of David's and Max's videos on my site, they are free and excellent. Max's site is
In Lak' esh, my sister, love is all there is...
Rach the drumming won't go onto my itunes or on my ipod :( How come?
ReplyDeleteIt downloads as a zip file. You have to right click on the folder and "extract". Then it should be able to be added into iTunes.
ReplyDeleteChristopher, thank you so much for your insights. I will definitely check out the book and website. By the way, I had no idea you have your own blog... I checked it out and it's awesome! I am now "following" it. It's extremely encouraging to meet people who are like-minded. At times, I feel like I'm going crazy and just not "fitting in" to the illusion that people seem so captivated by. It's nice to know other people see the illusion for what it is as well. I know people are starting to wake up. Blessings!
ReplyDeleteNamaste my sister Rachel. Thank you for sharing your thoughts in 2010. May love and peace be found in your heart throughout 2011.
ReplyDeleteIn Lak' esh. my sister Rachel, love is freedom from fear...
Rachel, please contact me somehow. I don't know how I got to your blog but it just popped up in my browser and I found myself reading my inner feelings but you had wrote them.
ReplyDeleteHello Rachel:
ReplyDeleteVisit me and others of like mind for a wee bit of inspiration. I having Inspirational August this month.
Kindest regards on your way,
Listen I read a little paperback book years ago that I have been trying to refind for years.
ReplyDeleteIt had the sentence "I am becoming, help me to become" or " I am a human becoming, help me to become"
It might have been titled "becoming". I have never found another reference to that book or saying, anywhere....ever....., until this website....tonight.
If this sounds familiar or if anyone has any info on that book....please let me know....
The book you are talking about is one f three books that talk about becoming. It is about changing our victim consciousness to one of self realization and empowerment of ones self
DeleteWhat was the book about?